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In order to secure a better tomorrow for us all, we must make greater investments in our youth today.

Encourage a new philosophy on the City Council to move away with protectionist attitudes and work together to serve the interest of the entire city

The arts drive creativity, expand economic growth, and generate jobs

As Council Member-at-Large, Doitall wants to address several issues:

Lack of Funding for Youth Programming and Summer Jobs. In order to secure a better tomorrow for us all, we must make greater investments in our youth today. This year over 5,000 Newark youth applied to the Mayor's summer youth program, but due to funding constraints, the City was only able to employ roughly 2,500 students. Expanding private investment by $2 million for the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program will ensure that we can truly leave no child behind.

Initiate Greater Activities Through Arts & Culture. It is through Dupre Kelly's extensive Artistic experience that he believes that the arts drive creativity, expand economic growth, and generate jobs The latest data from the Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account (A collaboration. of the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reveals that the arts and cultural sector contributed $729.6 billion or 4.2 percent to the U.S economy that year. Recent joint research by Newark Arts and Americans for the Arts revealed that Newark's Arts and Culture industry generates $178.3 million annually, provides resident income of $133 million, and supports 4,983 jobs (2016).

Lack of Civic Engagement Neighborhood Inclusion. We must begin to move the wards out of their individual cultural silos. Encourage a new philosophy on the City Council to move away with protectionist attitudes and work together to serve the interest of the entire city. Doitall will work with stakeholders to make sure the neighborhoods are included in our current economic renaissance. Doitall will create a massive ward by ward initiative encouraging our seniors to volunteer in mentoring and assisting our youth through our city programs.

5 Reasons You Should Vote Locally

Local Policies Affect You On A Daily Basis

From income taxes to reproductive rights to education reform, most of the issues that affect your day-to-day life are decided at the local level.

You Have The Chance To Influence The Policy-Making Decisions You're Most Passionate About

There are plenty of issues you probably really care about that you can have a say in if you vote locally. 

Most Local Elections Are Decided By A Margin

Okay, so it's not likely that you'll see local elections determined by a single vote, but, still, the margins are much closer on the local level than they are at the national.

Voting In Non-Presidential Elections Is Not As Confusing As You Might Think

But with just a minimal amount of research, you can begin to understand how to register, how to get a sample ballot, where the polling places are, and how to actually vote locally, all of which will help you evoke change in the long run.

You Have A Say — Might As Well Use It!

Chances are, you have a real shot at making all that happen if you stay plugged into what's going on in your city, your county, and your state. So get out there and vote!

New Jersey Voter Registration

To register to vote in New Jersey you must be:

  • a United States Citizen

  • at least 18 years old by the next election

  • a resident of your home county for 30 days before the election

What you must do:

  • You may download a Voter Registration Form, (Español) or pick one up in person at the Clerk's Office or from your local, municipal clerk, or from a Motor Vehicle Agency office; AND

  • Send the completed application to: Essex County Commissioner of Registration, Hall of Records, 465 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, RM 417A, Newark, NJ 07102-9852; OR

  • Present the application in person at the Commissioner of Registration's Office.

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