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The Hip Hop Hands Foundation thanks EVERYONE who trusted in us with their generous donations for the “Back 2 School 300,” we have EXCEEDED our goal!!! We greatly appreciate ALL contributions received via the web, especially those given in cash and via check. With the help of the believers, 300 children will be prepared for school this September. The Hip Hop Hands Foundation is humbled, and this fuels us to continue to “truly” do the work, for the people! THANK YOU!!!

$649 for elementary school children, a 1 percent increase compared to 2014
$941 for middle school children, a 2.5 percent jump compared to 2014
$1,402 for high school students, a more than 9 percent increase compared to 2014
14 Ways To Save On Back To School Supplies
1. Do a Closet and Supply Sweep
Believe it or not, you might already have plenty of school supplies lying around your house. Closets, desk drawers, and basement bins might hold hidden treasures that can save you money.
2. Shop at Garage Sales and Thrift Stores
Garage sales can be a treasure trove of deals for back to school supplies. Backpacks, gently used shoes, clothing, and even school supplies can be picked up for a song.
3. Set Limits
As your kids grow older, they will insist on having the “latest and greatest.” They may request Justin Bieber binders and backpacks, and name-brand clothing from the mall. Although your kids crave these items, these “character-focused” products will quickly destroy your back to school budget. In addition, these items often aren’t made to last; many trendy clothing items are very cheaply made.
4. Save on College Supplies
If you have a child heading to college, then you will experience some serious sticker shock. From picking up supplies for their dorm room, to investing in college textbooks, sending a kid to college isn’t for the faint of heart. There are many ways to save money on back to school shopping for your college student.
5. Hit Up the Dollar Store
You can get some incredible bargains on school supplies at the dollar store. Really! Start shopping in the summer months. You never know what stores will order, or how long items will stay in stock. You can buy basic supplies, like notebooks and pencils, for a great price at the dollar store.
6. Buy Supplies on a Sales Tax Holiday
Many states have sales tax holidays, when shoppers can buy items without paying sales tax. You can pick up clothing, computers, and school supplies, tax-free.
7. Use Coupons
Start looking for coupons in your Sunday paper, and look online for coupons at sites like RetailMeNot, which even has a special section on their site for back to school coupon codes.
8. Buy in Bulk
Buy in bulk to save money on back to school shopping. When pens, crayons, and glue go on sale in the late summer, buy enough to get you through the rest of the year. You might also want to check prices at wholesale stores like Costco.
9. Use Twitter and Facebook to Save
Many companies send their loyal followers coupon links, and advance notice of sales. If you plan to bargain-hunt this year, then monitor your favorite stores’ Twitter and Facebook Updates to find deals.
10. Make Them Work
What do you do if you’ve set limits for buying specialty or high-end items, and your kids still clamor for expensive back-to-school items? Make them go to work.
11. Check for Texts
Stores take advantage of mobile technology, and you can, too.
12. Save Money Through Ebates
Online cash-back shopping venue Ebates acts like a shopping gateway.
13. Watch Your Timing
As you probably already know, the big rush to buy school supplies occurs in August, and then again in January, since many college students go back to school after the winter holiday as well. If you avoid these peak times and buy after the rush, when items often go on sale for 50%-75% off retail prices, you can save a lot of money.
14. Use Cash Instead of Credit Cards
Use cash instead of credit cards to pay for your back to school supplies. Paying for supplies with cash allows you to keep an eye on your funds and to stay within your budget.